The Church

The word church can be used in several ways. This can lead to ambiguity or misinterpretation. Whatever the meaning of the word it comes with important connections. One clear connection is this. The church must know it is subject to Jesus Christ. The church is the inferior party to the relationship. Christ is superior.

It is helpful to know that people often use the word church to refer to a denomination or building. We would often be better served if they used the word believer or believers. The Christian denominations should certainly be subject to Christ but it seems to me that the individual is the main focus. The Bible seems much more concerned with people and their thoughts and motives than a particular denomination.

Consider how the Bible tends to put things in stark terms. There is no middle ground between good and evil. A good person in the Bible may do something bad, a bad person may do something good, but strong words separate good from bad, right from wrong.

The implication is clear and simple to me. One must take seriously the need for a correct relationship with Jesus Christ. As a body of believers, as a church, we are to regard ourselves as subjects to Christ. Our role is a subordinate role. We are subordinate in relation to Christ. There is no place for arrogance or arrogant opinions.

Discussion of Bible topics should always be conducted in a civil manner with proper respect for persons and forms of expression used. This is a prime area in which to apply the Bible admonition to not condemn other people for their beliefs. The ultimate judge is God and not us. We are not to assume God's role but let the Bible speak for itself.

Much more could be said on this point.

Related Resources

What SDAs Believe about the Church (Body of All Believers)

Church Congregation (Wikipedia)

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