This is a short summary or abstract of the two sides in the battle web page. The battle is a battle for your soul! Your soul is the essence of who you are. It is the real you!
I readily admit that this perspective and definition of the battle is personal and perhaps unique but I don't think so. There truly is an ongoing battle between good and evil. Christ represents and leads one side and Satan represents and leads the opposing side.
On one side of the battle is the God-of-the-Universe that created the physical universe and all that is in it. On the opposing side is Satan, a.k.a.the Devil. Satan's creation is a universe of lies and deceit. This fake universe also has two sides. Both sides are fake but Satan is happy to let you think these fake sides are the real two alternatives. On one side in this fake univers is the pagan world and on the other side is religion as commonly practiced. This page explores these ideas in greater detail.
This was prepared for my personal use but is available publicly in case it is of some value to someone else.