The Bible message is clear and simple. God tells us we need to be real. We need to relate to God. We need to understand God's idea of what a marriage can be so we can understand what a relationship with God can be. Marriage is symbolic of the relationship between the church and Christ. Marriage is symbolic of what the relationship between the individual and Christ can be. As such the nature and characteristics of marriage need to be understood as intended by God at the creation of the earth.
The relationship between the individual and God needs to be respectful, honest, open, loving, selfless, etc. The Bible has a lot to say about these relationships, both between husband and wife, parents and children and individual in an organization and between the individual and God.
Study marriage and family in school and you see how confused and complex human relationships can be today. People seem to not want to commit to long-term relationships. This attitude flows over into the realm of religion. It seems God is willing to commit to a long-term relationship with you but there seem to be some rules. Understand God's plan for dealing with the consequences of breaking the rules.
God created life, the universe and you! God is willing and able to fix things up in your life but you do need to accept and understand what is your end in the relationship.
SDA What Adventists Believe about Marriage and the Family
Marriage and Family (Sociology Textbook)
God's Design for Marriage (Carol Heffernan)
5 Purposes of Marriage (Toye Oshunbiyi)
Bible Verses About Marriage (Mike Signorelli)
Covenant Marriage in the Bible (Jason Soroski)
Types of Marriages (Wikipedia)
Marriage and the Family (Google)