Jesus Christ has at least two functions in heaven. He bears
our sins and He judges people. These functions take place
in a place called the heavenly sanctuary.
A movable tabernacle was built under the direction of Moses
and a more permanent temple was built under the direction of
Solomon. These structures were modeled on the one in heaven.
The structure in heaven is made by God. Those derived
structures were made by men. The heavenly is the greater
and more important than the earthly.
Some characteristics are similar and some different.
The similar elements that can be discerned reveal a pattern
that can tell us a number of things that God wants
to communicate. They reveal, for example, that
the works of God and His mercy are connected and associated
with his sanctuary. Evidence of this can be found in Psalm 77
and also in other places in the Bible.
There are other details that God wants us to see. Many of these
are clear and simple when examined methodically. You will not
find many non-SDA resources that discuss these Bible
teachings. Most of the Google search results and Wikipedia articles
are going to reference SDA views.
Here are more of these clear and simple Bible teachings.
God's presence is associated with a glorious bright light
called the shekinah in the Most Holy Place.
God was not always in the Most Holy Place but came and
left from time to time.
The believers prayed to God with their faces turned
toward God or the temple. Turning away was considered
disrespectful or rebelious.
Worshipers could be near or far when
praising God or praying to God.
Worshipers gathered together in Jerusalem at
special times to worship together. These times were
called feasts or Sabbaths.
The rituals or procedures that take place in
these structures are conducted by individuals
organized in ranks in a heirachial arrangement.
The High Priest is the top official in the
organization in the sanctuary service and
represents Jesus Christ.
The floor plan of the sanctuary resembles in some
ways the palace of a king with a throne room and
a receptions area where food may be served.
Outside the palace itself is a large
courtyard where subjects conduct various
official activities.
Lesser subjects occupy areas furthest
from the palace.
Items that furnish the palace have
connections to Jesus Christ. For example, Jesus said
I am the bread of life. A table with fresh bread
was placed in the sanctuary.