The Second Coming of Christ

The Bible teaching here is clear and simple but the reader needs to pay attention and clearly see what is stated.

  1. Christ appeared the first time in the first century
  2. Judgment occurs between the two appearances.
  3. Christ appears the second time.

There is a time of judgment before the second coming of Christ. This basic teaching is found in numerous places in the Holy Bible but does not seem to carry a lot of weight with many people. This time or time period of judgment is sometimes called the investigative judgment to separate it conceptually from the executive judgment when sin and sinners are subjected to final destruction.

The moment in time when a particular individual is judged is clearly not specified. In the case of those that have died it can be clearly seen that this judgment is after their demise. Some, however, will be judged while alive but before the second coming.

It is clear that people need to be prepared at all times. Some people will die and return to life at Christ's second coming. Others will be transformed at Christ's second coming without first dying.

The first and second advents may be compared and contrasted. The second coming of Christ is in some ways similar and in some ways dissimilar to His first appearance. Here are just a few points.

There are a number of differing views on what exactly the second coming of Christ will be like. Not all of these views match up with what the Bible teaches. You can find some of these views on Wikipedia.

Revelation chapter 20 also needs to be considered. Judgment is mentioned in this chapter along with a first and second resurrection. The picture that emerges from all this is clear and simple. This will be explored in future videos.

Related Resources

What SDAs Believe About the Second Coming

The Second Coming (Wikipedia)

Christian Eeschatology (Wikipedia)

The Parousia (Walter Riggans)

Why the delay? (Whitney Woollard)

Rapture-Ready, Born-Again Christians (GO Evangelism Ministry)

The Second Coming (Google)

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