The Bible teaching about death is clear and simple but it seems to be rejected by many people. Among the variety of understandings on the topic only one understanding is consistent with the simple statements found in the Bible. This understanding will give you great peace and inner contentment if you will accept it.
The video emphasizes these points.
All the dead will hear God's voice and be resurrected. Some will be resurrected to everlasting life. Those that are resurrected in the resurrection of damnation will not have everlasting life. Those that do not have everlasting life will ultimately die death#2 devoid of God and devoid of life. They will be completely destroyed. This is known as annihilationism. Annihilationism is the Bible teaching or doctrine that sin and sinners will be ultimately destroyed or annihilated.
To deny the annihilation of sin and sinners is to accept the claim of the serpent that God is wrong and the sinner will not surely suffer death#2. Death#1 is the death that we experience happening around us prior to the second advent of Christ. The sinner will suffer death#2. The serpent says, "No, nobody will suffer death#2. All death is death#1."
This is the clear and simple facts about death and the resurrection according to the Bible. A clear and solid understanding of this will give you great peace and contentment because it is consistent with God's character of love and justice. God is too loving to preserve people in unending hellish torment for the few years of sinful life lived here on earth. God is too just and righteous to allow sin and suffering to exist in the never-ending future of the created universe.
God thoughtfully and intentionally created a beautiful plan to resolve the problem of sin and rebelion. This plan is called the plan of salvation or the plan of redemption. It is also called the everlasting covenant and the gospel. It is a good plan. It is a plan that only God could devise and implement.
Learn, understand and accept the plan!
Point by point examination of arguments to the contrary can be found in material linked to below.
What SDAs Believe about Death, the State of the Dead, and Resurrection
Spiritual Death in Christianity (Wikipedia)
Universal Resurrection (Wikipedia)
The Alternate View (Got Questions)
The State of the Dead (Google)
Unorthodox View (Midnight Cry Media - YouTube)