The Millennium and the End of Sin

The video focuses mainly on the Millennium, the millennium being the one thousand year period that is mentioned a number of times in Revelation 20. From this passage in Revelation a number of details may be extracted. Here are a few of these details organized in three groups.

  1. Events associated with the start of the millennium.
  2. Events are associated with the end of the millennium.
  3. Activities that happen during the millennium.

Here are a few details associated with the start of the millennium.

The resurrection of the righteous is the "first" resurrection.

Here are a few details associated with the end of the millennium.

The resurrection of damnation is the "second" resurrection. The wicked dead are returned to life. They are from all the nations in history and are called the nations. They have no protection against the deceptions of Satan. Satan is in complete control of them. Satan leads them to attack the camp of the saints and the beloved city. The most obvious understanding of this is that the beloved city is the new Jerusalem of Revelation 21. The wicked die the death that is final and permanent. They die the death that is the consequence of sin.

Here are a few of the things that happen during the millennium.

Three judgments can be identified. Each judgment is connected with a period of time relative to the millennium.

  1. The judgment before the millennium. Call this the pre-millennial or pre-advent judgment.
  2. The judgment during the millennium. Call this the millennial judgment.
  3. The judgment after the end of the millenium. Call this the final judgment, the execution and death of the wicked.

The pre-advent judgment is that in which Jesus Christ judges and determines who is righteous and who is not. It takes place in the heavenly sanctuary in heaven. See Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary

During the millennial judgment the righteous are privileged to witness the judgment of the wicked and see why they are judged to be wicked. This is like a jury trial where the jury is composed of the righteous.

It seems obvious that the righteous will retain their memories of their life on earth and will have questions about why certain people were deemed to be wicked. The righteous friends, family and acquaintances of these missing people were expecting them to be resurrected in the first resurrection and they are not there.

What a relief to know that we won't forever wonder about such things. How wonderful and gracious God is to have thought these things through for our benefit.

The final execution and destruction of the wicked is also thought of as a judgment. It could be termed the executive judgment.

Dividing judgment up into three time periods like this may be a hard concept to accept at first. This is certainly true for anyone that has not thought carefully about it. It does have its parallels to modern processes in many court systems. There is a period of data collection and analysis and finally decisions and actions ensue each at its own time.

The Bible teaching on this topic is clear and simple. Examine closely what the Bible says.

God's plan is clear and simple. God is working through people and events to carry out His plan. This presentation is number 27 in a series of 28 presentations. Please start over from the beginning if you want to have a clear understanding of what the Bible teaches. Visit this topic again after you have done that!

Related Resources

What SDAs Believe about the Millennium and the End of Sin

Millennialism (Wikipedia)

The Millennium (David Jeremiah)

Christ as King (Wikipedia)

Great Apostasy (Wikipedia)

The Millennium (Wikipedia)

the Millennium (Google)

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