Pick which side you are on. Do it now! There is no time left!
I urge you to make a strong commitment to follow God, Truth and Good. And I urge you to do it now! Firstly, I want to give you my top argument for why this is urgent.
I remember a cartoonish meme from my childhood. This was years before the Internet and the current technical environment but it still lives in my memory. A somewhat scruffy character is wearing an over-shoulder sandwich board, the kind with a poster board in front and one in the back and two ropes or straps that go over the shoulders. On the board it says, "DOOM AWAITS THIS IS THE END", or some such. I suppose today it would say, "APOCALYPSE NOW".
So here is my first point. People everywhere seem to know that things in general are getting worse and not better. I grew up with this thought bouncing around in the environment and I can testify that it is true. Things in general are getting worse. But why now? Why are things particularly bad now? Why is there no time left? Is now the time to get serious about God?
I am old enough to tell you that truly things are critical now in ways that are very different than things 50 years ago. Fifty years ago religious groups had a different view and sense of urgency than now. Fifty years ago non-religious, secular groups had a different view and sense of urgency than now. The groups and organizations that existed then and exist now are different. This is also true, but the makeup and things that they say have a distinctly different tone. Call it the psychology of the time or call it group-think. Give it another name but the conclusion is unavoidable.
Perhaps you don't quite get it. Religious groups preached the rapture, for example, and the listeners were not particularly convinced. Now they are much more receptive. Climate change? Same story but different audience. The number of groups and their sizes are on the upswing.
Here is the point. There is a trend here. Things are reaching a critical point, a crisis. Some would call it a tipping point. Call it what you will but change is imminent. Something is about to happen. Something is going to occur and it won't be long in coming.
The general sense of an impending event is one sign that what I am saying deserves attention. But what I am really heading toward is the religious, Biblical, spiritual issue at hand. My first, last and main message here is this. Now is the time to make a firm decision for God, Truth and Good.
Hopefully you can follow along with my argument because I'm not going to amplify every detail of my logic. The Holy Bible is a very special book. It is ancient. It is God's Book. It contains a complete system of science and philosophy. And, it is verified and validated by the prophecies it contains and the prophecies that came true, are true now and foretell things that will happen in the future.
If you are not following along with my logic there are plenty of online material to study. I'm going to move quickly here. The seven-day weekly pattern or model is first presented in the very first chapters of Genesis. This pattern appears repeatedly throughout the text of the Bible. It appears enough times to adequately support the notion of its importance. These vignettes comprise a parable or prophecy.
Here is the point. Six days of labor preceed one day of rest.
The Bible tells of a day, the day, days of man, the Lord's day, and similar expressions. Depending on the context a day can be a literal 24 hour day or some other period of time. Specific time periods are sometimes implied or explicitly meant. You can find these in the Psalms, in Daniel and in Revelation. A day can stand in for a year or even 1,000 years.
Again, I know I'm moving fast and you will need to do your own study. Here is the point. The history in the Bible spans about 6,000 years. Revelation, chapter 20, tells of a time period to 1,000 years. Put it all together and a BIG EVENT is just around the corner.
I have a pretty clear picture in my mind what that event could look like but I have only one last thing to say here. And that is to repeat my main point, my main message.
Now is the time to get right with God. Make a strong commitment to God, Truth and Good. Do it today. Do it now.
This is not to put words in your mouth but allow me to put my personal decision in words as my personal witness and testimony. I hope you will join me.
God, I want to express my desire and my decision in these words. I want to be fully devoted and committed to YOU. In my humanity I am unable to live up to this commitment but I choose to believe that YOU are able to do in me what I cannot do by myself or for myself. I want to you to create in me a heart that seeks for TRUTH. I want to have in my heart the desire and longing to turn to YOU in every situation. I want to discern Good and choose Good. I need YOU to help me in this also. This is what I ask and this is what I want. So help me God.
This was prepared for my personal use but is available publicly in case it is of some value to someone else.