
Chapter 37 of Great Controversy is about the leading role of the Bible, the sacred Scriptures, in the last days. The next chapter, Chapter 38 carries the title, The Final Warning. In examining these two chapters, I believe I see something that needs to be done. I see a roadmap outlined in these two chapters. I perceive a number of guiding principles to be applied. I think elements of our Christian duty are revealed.

I feel that more can be done to make God's messsage for our time plain, clear and easy to understand. It seems clear and simple to me but obviously not everyone sees this in the same light. As I see it, it is at the same time simple and not simple. The most direct expression of what I see is on page 612 of The Great Controversy. That is why I will refer to this project as Project 612. The theme and goal of Project 612 is to make Bible truth clear and simple and accessible using social media.

The Final Warning

At the time during which the final warning goes out, several significant things will occur. The truth will be "seen in its clearness and the honest children of God [will] sever the bands which have held them." Truth which is supremely precious will become even more highly valued. It will be "more precious than all besides."

When combined with the subject of chapter 37, The Scriptures a Saveguard, the focus of Project 612 becomes clear. I believe God would have us put the holy scriptures in a prominent place where their impact is heightened and unavoidable. Indeed, "God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms."

With that said to introduce the subject, this is the mission of Project 612.

The Mission and the Goal

The mission of Project 612 is to create a resource with a strong focus on the clear and simple Bible truths that form the foundation of the final warning with a strong emphasis on carefully selected Bible verses and passages.

A more extensive description and outline of this project and what I have in mind is at this link:

Project Details

The attitude I want Project 612 to project is loving but direct and Biblical. It may appear confrontational at times so not everyone will be comfortable supporting the project. At the same time, if you see this the way I see it, I want to ask your help.

What I say next I write with church members in mind, church members that esteem EGW and the Great Controversy. The target audience of Project 612 is the seeker, the secular and the agnostic but it can also be marketed to believers as a a resource to be used for witnessing. The design of the videos and website is intended to make the resources easy to share. The purpose of the resources is to present and defend the Bible to nonbelievers. But, at the same time, it is intended to be comfortably shared with believers. In other words the content is Bible based and is intended to appeal to the rational sceptic, believer or nonbeliever and challenge the thinking of the recipient using the words of the Bible. Commentary will be simple and direct presenting a logical and SDA point of view which may contrast with other views that may be concurrently found on the Internet.

As a believer, an SDA and a potential donor or sponsor, please keep the above description in mind so you are not misled.

With the target audience in mind I would like you to consider several questions. First of all, what issues does the rational sceptic face? Secondly, what issues might attract them to the Bible? A big struggle facing the target audience, it seems to me is the issues surrounding authority and control. The actual question in the mind of the secular seeker of truth can take many forms. The consumer of video content may ask Who is at the top of this or that organization? Is it government, for example? Is it self? Is it humanism? Is it a political or religious organization. And, what is behind all this? Does this or that organization seek to control the citizen using brute power and force?

Short videos are the means that Project 612 will use to engage the target audience. The videos will focus on related questions connected to this general category of questions.

Depending on your point of view such questions underlie or transcend strictly religious considerations. Thus, the terrain in which Project 612 will operate is more precisely the realm of philosophy and apologetics. As I look at current Internet content I don't see the resources that meet this perceived need. I see a need and an opportunity to insert a more "great controversy" perspective into the virtual space.

At this point I am addressing believers steeped in Adventism and SDA theology. I think you know what I am saying. As the close of probation approaches every thinking, reasonable and rational seeker will need to arrive at a thoughtful and well-considered position. The point in contention and general subject matter has to do with the basic tension between philosophy and theology. This does not mean that only philosophers will consume the product. It does not mean that other smart people will not view the product. It does however have some other consequences. It also means for example that Project 612 is not expected to be consumed by the careless and thoughtless. The careless and thoughtless will doubtless push back against what is being said. Indeed, motivated sceptics will as well. I hope this makes the aim of Project 612 clear. I do not mean to mislead anyone. According to these two chapters of Great Controversy, the condition mentioned will exist before probation can close. I may need to expand on this point in more depth at another time.

At this time I am looking to build a team to support the project. Assembly of a support team is one of many things I need to work on.

This document is intended to define the project in enough detail that potential team members can visualize project goals and decide to support it. If the project goal appeals to you I hope you will consider supporting Project 612 in some way, perhaps by joining Project 612 as a team member.

What is the Plan?

People consume information on the Internet in one of two ways, they see something that interests them or is sent to them intentionally and they click a link or they enter specific terms in a search engine and do a search. Short videos are the preferred tools to start conversations. Creating a number of short videos and the supporting web pages is the core strategy of Project 612. This subject matter is interesting to me. My survey of the material currently available on the Internet reveals a lack of content that reflects what the Bible teaches from a logical and SDA point of view. Much of the content reflects Evangelical and Evolutionist points of view. Getting past the bias is not simple and could be considered a project in itself. I have tried various searches and my experience is that the top results are not likely to deliver anything appropriate that I personally would choose to use or share with this target demographic. And I know a number of people that I would say fit in the target audience. I could be persuaded that I am in error in this regard. Verifying this conclusion is one area in which I am open to feedback whether positive or negative.

Creating a development and marketing plan is necessary. These two could be separate plans but they share common elements. These are some of the necessary elements of a plan.

  1. Build a team
  2. Set goals
  3. Define the audience
  4. Set a budget
  5. Establish a brand identity
  6. Craft the message
  7. Identify distribution channels
  8. Document the fundraising strategy

Strategies, Goals, Tasks and Actions need to be defined. Here are some identified and representative actions to be completed.

  1. Create scripts
  2. Assemble video resources
  3. Produce videos
  4. Design a website
  5. Create a website
  6. Accept donations through the website
  7. Encourge visitors to share content and links
  8. Engage traffic using paid search
  9. Research availability of Google Ad Grants
  10. Hold information meetings and events
  11. Use direct mail
  12. Explore crowd funding
  13. Explore text-to-give options
  14. Engage traffic using social media

I intend to pursue this project using my own funds at this time. When the project is more mature it would be helpful if more funds were available than I can put into the project on my own. Also, there are some services that it would be appropriate to pay for professional assistance. Here are a few areas where volunteer help could be accepted.

  1. Volunteer team members to create content
  2. Volunteer team members to correct and validate content

Some tasks may require professional assistance. Here are a few areas where funds could be spent appropriately.

  1. Pay team members to create content
  2. Pay team members to correct and validate content
  3. Pay for search engine optimization
  4. Pay for search traffic
  5. Pay to promote donations
  6. Pay to promote organic growth
  7. Pay for other technical assistance
  8. Buy targeted domain names
  9. Pay for market analysis

I may come back and add to this thought in the future. This document was last changed on-24-2024. I may print this document and mail it to some. If I did and you want to read it online you may be able to access it at
